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Recent Posts

  • The Crucial Role of Linear Algebra in Natural Language Processing
    In the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP), a foundational understanding of linear algebra does help (somewhat) when trying to make money with NLP. This mathematical discipline plays a pivotal role in unraveling complex concepts and mechanisms that underpin various NLP tasks. But, if you don’t take a whole damn course, I don’t blame you. […]
  • Artificial Intelligence Could Help Engage Homeless Populations, But Organizations Must Be Ready
    The homeless population is not a monolith, but issues with mental health and substance abuse typify them. Additionally, their lack of stable housing makes them change locations from one area to another often within the same municipality, but out of reach of social workers clocking in during a set number of hours. Life tends to […]
  • Alucinación – el termino para cuando los modelos de inteligencia artificial se equivocan
    Aunque es impresionante el hecho de que un chatbot responde a un input, académicos, científicos y expertos en la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial no han definido su postura con respeto al IA en términos psicológicos. La ciencia cognitiva bien fue la inspiración para las llamadas ‘redes neuronales’ que definen la arquitectura de algunos de […]
  • Barbie debuta en Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay y Estados Unidos este viernes
    Barbie, una de las películas más esperadas del 2023, se estrenará esta semana. Aunque puede sonar un poco gracioso referirse a ella como una mega-película para adultos, no lo es si se considera la temática. El guion consta de la siguiente narrativa: Margaret Robbie tendra el honor de ser Barbie, y en esta pelicula después […]
  • Air Quality in Chicago Declines to “Very Unhealthy” Levels as Alert Issued
    As the world watches the destruction of wildfires in Canada with measured horror, two major cities in the United States have now found themselves suffering from the smoke as well. Chicago, Illinois and Minneapolis, Minnesota are ranked first and second, respectively, on the global air quality index, due to unhealthy air quality resulting from the […]