Category: Tutorial


AI Tutorial

Si eres lingüista, no te preocupes demasiado por las matemáticas formales en el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN).

En el ámbito del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN), una comprensión básica del álgebra lineal sí ayuda (en cierta medida) cuando se intenta laborar dentro del PLN. Fundamentalmente, la preocupación para todos nosotros los filósofos, lingüistas y psicólogos es ganarse la vida decentemente sin ser penalizados por nuestra falta de gratificación inmediata en el mundo […]

Ricardo Lezama 
Computational Linguistics Linguistics Tokenization Tutorial

Tokenizing Text, Finding Word Frequencies Within Corpora

One way to think about tokenization is to consider it as finding the smallest possible unit of analysis for computational linguistics tasks. As such, we can think of tokenization as among the first steps (along with normalization) in the average NLP pipeline or computational linguistics analysis. This process helps break down text into a manner […]

Ricardo Lezama 
Computational Linguistics Linguistics Named Entity Recognition Python Tutorial

Frequency Counts For Named Entities Using Spacy/Python Over MX Spanish News Text

On this post, we review some straightforward code written in python that allows a user to process text and retrieve named entities alongside their numerical counts. The main dependencies are Spacy, a small compact version of their Spanish language model built for Named Entity Recognition and the tabular data processing library, Matplotlib, if you’re looking […]

Ricardo Lezama