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Category: Covid-19

  • New B.1.1.529 Coronavirus Variant Poised To Be Deadlier Than Delta

    New B.1.1.529 Coronavirus Variant Poised To Be Deadlier Than Delta

    Markets, medical experts and governments are raising concerns over the latest Coronavirus variant. As the public in the United States gathers in observance of Thanksgiving, South African experts and global governments are alarmed at the B.1.1.529 variant of the Coronavirus. Enough concern has been raised to shutdown air-traffic partially between UK/Europe and parts of Africa. The…


  • Semantic Similarity & Visualizing Word Vectors

    Introduction: Two Views On Semantic Similarity In Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, there are various methods and views on how to best describe and justify semantic similarity. This tutorial will be taken as a chance to lightly touch upon very basic ideas in Linguistics. We will introduce in a very broad sense the original concept…


  • Elderly Asian Woman Robbed, Beaten In Oakland, California

    Elderly Asian Woman Robbed, Beaten In Oakland, California

    Betty Yu on Instagram: “OAKLAND GRANDMOTHER ROBBED A 71-year-old woman who just left the bank is seen knocked to the ground and robbed near 6th/International on…” CBS Oakland reporter, Betty Yu, posted on her Instagram account disturbing footage of a group of males who robbed and beat an elderly Asian woman as she had exited…


  • Southern California: Chicanos Express Outrage Over Attacks On Asian Elderly

    Southern California: Chicanos Express Outrage Over Attacks On Asian Elderly

    Throughout the day, Chicano communities have expressed outrage over violence against Asians stemming from false narratives around the pandemic. In Southern California, Chicano sentiment expresses solidarity with Asian community. This could be observed through social media postings from influential people within the community, like El Indio Botanas & Cervezas. Due to the vast amounts of…


  • Whose Getting Covid-19 Fatigue?

    Whose Getting Covid-19 Fatigue?

    There are a few ways to interpret the data we have amassed under the web application in Chicano Press. Today, we try to compare the aggregate infection counts to prior months. We hope to infer whose in some sense improving relative to where they were the month before. I’m sure there is a more sophisticated…


  • In Southern California, Counties Blame State Government When It Suits Them

    In Southern California, Counties Blame State Government When It Suits Them

    Riverside, San Diego and Orange County all banded together to force the state create these exceptions on targeted reduction of activity in May-July of this year. They also have been very late to basic standards on mask usage which just this month of December became more or less mandatory or recommended. For example, Santa Ana…