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Category: Programming Languages

  • WebScraping As Sourcing Technique For NLP

    WebScraping As Sourcing Technique For NLP

    Introduction In this post, we provide a series of web scraping examples and reference for people looking to bootstrap text for a language model. The advantage is that a greater number of spoken speech domains could be covered. Newer vocabulary or possibly very common slang is picked up through this method since most corporate language…


  • Another Zero Day Exploit For Microsoft

    Another Zero Day Exploit For Microsoft

    Even Windows 11 is affected. Apparently, one can open a command line window and deploy an exploit to raise permissions on a machine using a .exe file freely available on Github. Nice. The exploit works on Windows 10, Windows 11 and Windows Server versions of this OS. The exploit consists of a low privileged user…


  • Word2Vec Mexican Spanish Model: Lyrics, News Documents

    Word2Vec Mexican Spanish Model: Lyrics, News Documents

    A Corpus That Contains Colloquial Lyrics & News Documents For Mexican Spanish This experimental dataset was developed by 4 Social Science specialists and one industry expert, myself, with different samples from Mexico specific news texts and normalized song lyrics. The intent is to understand how small, phrase level constituents will interact with larger, editorialized style…


  • Semantic Similarity & Visualizing Word Vectors

    Introduction: Two Views On Semantic Similarity In Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, there are various methods and views on how to best describe and justify semantic similarity. This tutorial will be taken as a chance to lightly touch upon very basic ideas in Linguistics. We will introduce in a very broad sense the original concept…


  • Getting Started With The Command Line

    Getting Started With The Command Line

    First of all, what is a ‘command line’? Visually, within a Microsoft Operating System, the command line looks like this: You can access the command line by typing ‘CMD’ on your Windows Desktop. As the name implies, a command line is an interface where a user inputs literal commands to accomplish a computing task. The…


  • Leveraging NVIDIA Downloads

    An issue during the installation of TensorFlow in the Anaconda Python environment is an error message citing the lack of a DLL file. Logically, you will also receive the same error for invoking any Spacy language models, which need TensorFlow installed properly. Thus, running the code below will invoke an error message without the proper…


  • Frequency Counts For Named Entities Using Spacy/Python Over MX Spanish News Text

    On this post, we review some straightforward code written in python that allows a user to process text and retrieve named entities alongside their numerical counts. The main dependencies are Spacy, a small compact version of their Spanish language model built for Named Entity Recognition and the tabular data processing library, Matplotlib, if you’re looking…


  • Using Spacy in Python To Extract Named Entities in Spanish

    The Spacy Small Language model has some difficulty with contemporary news text that are not either Eurocentric or US based. Likely, this lack of accuracy with contemporary figures owes in part to a less thorough scrape of Wikipedia and relative changes that have taken place in Mexico, Bolivia and other countries with highly variant dialects…


  • Introducción a Python

    Introducción a Python

    Python es un lenguaje de programación bastante flexible y veloz cuando seconsidera que es un lenguaje de alto nivel. En este breve resumen del idioma se presenta un ejercicio que abre un archivo. Esta tarea es casi rutinaria en todo trabajo complejo. Ahora, si buscas un ejercicio más avanzado o uno que simplemente abarca un tema…