Category: Programming Languages

Computational Linguistics Data Linguistics Python Tokenization

Word2Vec Mexican Spanish Model: Lyrics, News Documents

A Corpus That Contains Colloquial Lyrics & News Documents For Mexican Spanish This experimental dataset was developed by 4 Social Science specialists and one industry expert, myself, with different samples from Mexico specific news texts and normalized song lyrics. The intent is to understand how small, phrase level constituents will interact with larger, editorialized style […]

Ricardo Lezama 
Computational Linguistics Linguistics Named Entity Recognition Python Tutorial

Frequency Counts For Named Entities Using Spacy/Python Over MX Spanish News Text

On this post, we review some straightforward code written in python that allows a user to process text and retrieve named entities alongside their numerical counts. The main dependencies are Spacy, a small compact version of their Spanish language model built for Named Entity Recognition and the tabular data processing library, Matplotlib, if you’re looking […]

Ricardo Lezama 

Introducción a Python

Python es un lenguaje de programación bastante flexible y veloz cuando seconsidera que es un lenguaje de alto nivel. En este breve resumen del idioma se presenta un ejercicio que abre un archivo. Esta tarea es casi rutinaria en todo trabajo complejo. Ahora, si buscas un ejercicio más avanzado o uno que simplemente abarca un tema […]

Ricardo Lezama