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Demographics of Apple Executives

Most Decision Makers Are White

EEOD DATA Indicates 99 out of 123 Execs Are White.

Graphic of @Apple executives based on most recent EEOD data

Recently, the National Labor Relations Board sued Apple. According to the suit, Apple has fired employees in a retaliatory fashion. The employee in question had alleged Sexual Harassment by a male colleague. Unfortunately, Apple management notified the accused party, shifted the victim towards a different line of work within the company and eventually fired the employee after having placed her on administrative leave.

With this recent news in mind, we wondered about the basic demographics of Apple executives. Generally, these are white people in control of major day to day decisions regarding personnel.

A lot of dollars are going to that elite cadre, perhaps, changing and influencing generations of professionals within the IT industry as well as creating generational wealth for those within their demographic:

80 Percent Of Apple Executives Are White

An environment with plenty of checks and measures may be necessary so that a single demographic is not overly represented. Perhaps, HR could recruit outside of Silicone Valley or the company could establish a presence in urban centers with a high concentration of demographics lacking in its ranks. Accidents happen, perhaps, engineers just recruit or reference who they know and this leads to a legacy of ‘friends of friends’ joining the company.

For now, the majority of Apple Execs are white: 80 percent. The rest are Asian, with 2 Hispanic individuals and 1 lone Black person.

Apple is composed of a network of likeminded individuals. Unsurprisingly, their leadership style and composition reflects this closed world.